Thursday, January 24, 2013

*my cozy robe
*my hubby
*our jobs
*the fact that my hubby shoveled this morning!
 *smiling kids....well, crying ones too
*watching my 5 year old run into school this morning
*friends to chat with on fb
*friends who i don't communicate with as much, but I know are there!
*struggles in my life that are making me stronger
*people who are willing to do the tough stuff with me
*the mess in my kitchen....bc we are LIVING here!
*the laundry -we have clothes to wear
*the rotting grapes that stink in my fridge...(we had so much food, that food is rotting in my fridge...)
The list goes on and on.....add to mine! 

Our heavenly Father knew just what He was doing when He said, "In EVERYTHING give thanks!" (1 Thes 5:18).   Sure makes my attitude of selfishness and want disappear...and I would love for it to go away forever!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. thankful for you my friend....glad God brought you into my life :)
